An Indonesian Lady, Sri, wants to break up with his foreign boyfriend, Reggie...
See what's she wrote to Robbie
Hi, my motive write this letter is to give know you something
( hai, bersama surat ini saya ingin memberi tahu sesuatu )
(saya ingin memutuskan hubungan kita)
I have think about this very cook cook
(saya telah memikirkan ini masak masak)
I know I clap one hand only
(saya tahu bahwa saya hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan)
Correctly, I have seen you and she together at town with my eyes and
head myself
(sebenarnya, saya pernah melihat kamu bersama perempuan lain di kota
dengan mata kepala saya sendiri)
You always ask for apology back back
(kamu selalu minta maaf berulang ulang)
I don't trust you again!!
(saya tidak percaya kamu lagi)
You are really crocodile land!!
(kamu benar benar buaya darat)
My Friend speak you play fire
(teman saya bilang kamu bermain api)
Now I know you correct correct play fire
(sekarang saya tahu kamu benar benar bermain api)
So, I break connection to pull my body from this love triangle
(jadi saya putuskan saja hubungan untuk menarik diri dari cinta segitiga
I know this result I pick is very correct, because you love she very
high from me
(saya tahu keputusan yg saya ambil ini benar, karena kamu mencintai dia
lebih tinggi dari saya)
So, I break off to go far from here
(jadi saya putuskan untuk pergi dari sini)
I don't want you to play play with my liver
(saya tidak ingin kamu main main dengan hati saya)
I have been crying until no more eye water thinking about you
(saya menangis sampai tidak ada lagi air mata memikirkan kamu)
I don't want banana to fruit two times
(saya tidak mau terpeleset untuk kedua kalinya)
Safe walk...(selamat jalan..)
Full Love (penuh cinta)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
From Heart
don't love men like a flower coz it dies in a seasons..
love men like a river coz it flows forever..
click Read More!!
I want to share my secrets with you......
and be honest with you.....
to understand and respect you......
accepting you as you are,...
to find shelter and when i'm afraid....
and hold you when i need warmth.....
to be with you through all season.....
walking with you in sunshine and cuddling in the cold...
being love is a wonderful feeling but being loved and appreciated in return can be the most wonderful experience that can happen to your life
"if we want a love message to be heard, it has go to be sent out..
to keep lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil on it"
"love is to be fortified by many friendship, to love and to be love is the greatest happiness of existence"
"kindness in words creates confidence..kindness in thinking creates profoundness...kindness in giving creates love"
rakditz, IF
don't love men like a flower coz it dies in a seasons..
love men like a river coz it flows forever..
click Read More!!
I want to share my secrets with you......
and be honest with you.....
to understand and respect you......
accepting you as you are,...
to find shelter and when i'm afraid....
and hold you when i need warmth.....
to be with you through all season.....
walking with you in sunshine and cuddling in the cold...
being love is a wonderful feeling but being loved and appreciated in return can be the most wonderful experience that can happen to your life
"if we want a love message to be heard, it has go to be sent out..
to keep lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil on it"
"love is to be fortified by many friendship, to love and to be love is the greatest happiness of existence"
"kindness in words creates confidence..kindness in thinking creates profoundness...kindness in giving creates love"
rakditz, IF
Why Guys like Girls
Well, here's a few reasons why guys like girls:
She will always smell good even if its just shampoo
The way her head always find the right spot on our shoulder
How cute she looks when she sleeps
The ease in which she fits into our arms
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The way she kisses you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
How cute she is when she eats
The way she takes hours to get dressed, and in the end it makes it all worth while
Because she is always warm even when its minus 30 outside
The way she looks good no matter what she wears
The way she fishes for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
How cute she looks when she argues
The way her hand always finds yours
The way she smiles
The way you feel when you see their name on the call display after you just had a big fight
The way she says "lets not fight anymore" even though you know that an hour later....
The way she kisses when you do something nice for her
The way she kisses you when you say "I love you'
Actually, just the way she kisses you.
The way she falls into your arms when she cries
Then the way she apologizes for crying over something that silly
The way she hits you and expects it to hurt
Then the way she apologizes when it does hurt (even though we don't admit it!)
The way she says "I miss you"
The way you miss her
The way she takes extra time in doing something nice without complaining.
The extraordinary things she has done for you that no one had ever done
The way she comforts you, that you fall for her all over again
The way her tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore...yet, regardless if you love her, hate her, wish she would die or know that you would die without matters not.
Once in your life, whatever she was to the world, she became everything to you. When you look into her eyes, traveling to the depths of her soul...and you say a million things without trace of a know that your own life is inevitable, consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very own heart.
We love them for a million reasons, no piece of paper would do them justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling...only felt.
She will always smell good even if its just shampoo
The way her head always find the right spot on our shoulder
How cute she looks when she sleeps
The ease in which she fits into our arms
click read more!!
The way she kisses you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
How cute she is when she eats
The way she takes hours to get dressed, and in the end it makes it all worth while
Because she is always warm even when its minus 30 outside
The way she looks good no matter what she wears
The way she fishes for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
How cute she looks when she argues
The way her hand always finds yours
The way she smiles
The way you feel when you see their name on the call display after you just had a big fight
The way she says "lets not fight anymore" even though you know that an hour later....
The way she kisses when you do something nice for her
The way she kisses you when you say "I love you'
Actually, just the way she kisses you.
The way she falls into your arms when she cries
Then the way she apologizes for crying over something that silly
The way she hits you and expects it to hurt
Then the way she apologizes when it does hurt (even though we don't admit it!)
The way she says "I miss you"
The way you miss her
The way she takes extra time in doing something nice without complaining.
The extraordinary things she has done for you that no one had ever done
The way she comforts you, that you fall for her all over again
The way her tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore...yet, regardless if you love her, hate her, wish she would die or know that you would die without matters not.
Once in your life, whatever she was to the world, she became everything to you. When you look into her eyes, traveling to the depths of her soul...and you say a million things without trace of a know that your own life is inevitable, consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very own heart.
We love them for a million reasons, no piece of paper would do them justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling...only felt.
If Tomorrow never comes
Pada suatu tempat, hiduplah seorang anak. Dia hidup dalam keluarga yang bahagia, dengan orang tua dan sanak keluarganya. Tetapi, dia selalu mengangap itu sesuatu yang wajar saja.
Dia terus bermain, mengganggu adik dan kakaknya, membuat masalah bagi Orang lain adalah kesukaannya.
Ketika ia menyadari kesalahannya dan mau minta maaf, dia selalu berkata,
"Tidak apa-apa, besok kan bisa."
click read more to continue the story!!
Ketika agak besar, sekolah sangat menyenangkan baginya. Dia belajar, mendapat teman, dan sangat bahagia. Tetapi, dia anggap itu wajar-wajar aja. Semua begitu saja dijalaninya sehingga dia anggap semua sudah sewajarnya.
Suatu hari, dia berkelahi dengan teman baiknya. Walaupun dia tahu itu salah, tapi tidak pernah mengambil inisiatif untuk minta maaf dan berbaikan dengan teman baiknya. Alasannya, "Tidak apa-apa, besok kan bisa."
Ketika dia agak besar, teman baiknya tadi bukanlah temannya lagi. Walaupun
dia masih sering melihat temannya itu, tapi mereka tidak pernah saling tegur. Tapi itu bukanlah masalah, karena dia masih punya banyak teman baik yang lain. Dia dan teman-temannya melakukan segala sesuatu bersama-sama, main, kerjakan PR, dan jalan-jalan. Ya, mereka semua teman-temannya yang paling baik.
Setelah lulus, kerja membuatnya sibuk. Dia ketemu seorang cewek yang sangat cantik dan baik. Cewek ini kemudian menjadi pacarnya. Dia begitu sibuk dengan kerjanya,karena dia ingin dipromosikan ke posisi paling tinggi dalam waktu yang sesingkat mungkin.
Tentu, dia rindu untuk bertemu teman-temannya. Tapi dia tidak pernah lagi menghubungi mereka, bahkan lewat telepon. Dia selalu berkata, "Ah, aku capek, besok saja aku hubungin mereka." Ini tidak terlalu mengganggu dia karena dia punya teman-teman sekerja selalu mau diajak keluar.
Jadi, waktu pun berlalu, dia lupa sama sekali untuk menelepon teman-temannya.
Setelah dia menikah dan punya anak, dia bekerja lebih keras agar dalam membahagiakan keluarganya. Dia tidak pernah lagi membeli bunga untuk istrinya, atau pun mengingat hari ulang tahun istrinya dan juga hari pernikahan mereka. Itu tidak masalah baginya, karena istrinya selalu mengerti dia, dan tidak pernah menyalahkannya.
Tentu, kadang-kadang dia merasa bersalah dan sangat ingin punya kesempatan tapi dia tidak pernah melakukannya. Alasannya, "Tidak apa-apa, saya pasti besok akan mengatakannya." Dia tidak pernah sempat datang ke pesta ulang tahun anak-anaknya, tapi dia tidak tahu ini akan perpengaruh pada anak-anaknya.
Anak-anak mulai menjauhinya, dan tidak pernah benar-benar menghabiskan
waktu mereka dengan ayahnya.
Suatu hari, kemalangan datang ketika istrinya tewas dalam kecelakaan, istrinya ditabrak lari. Ketika kejadian itu terjadi, dia sedang ada rapat. Dia tidak sadar bahwa itu kecelakaan yang fatal, dia baru datang saat istrinya akan dijemput maut. Sebelum sempat berkata "Aku cinta kamu", istrinya telah meninggal dunia.
Laki-laki itu remuk hatinya dan mencoba menghibur diri melalui anak-anaknya setelah kematian istrinya. Tapi, dia baru sadar bahwa anak-anaknya tidak pernah mau berkomunikasi dengannya.
Segera, anak-anaknya dewasa dan membangun keluarganya masing-masing.
Tidak ada yang peduli dengan orang tua ini, yang di masa lalunya tidak pernah meluangkan waktunya untuk mereka.
Saat mulai renta, Dia pindah ke rumah jompo yang terbaik, yang menyediakan
pelayanan sangat baik. Dia menggunakan uang yang semula disimpannya untuk perayaan ulang tahun pernikahan ke 50, 60, dan 70.
Semula uang itu akan dipakainya untuk pergi ke Hawaii, New Zealand, dan negara-negara lain bersama istrinya, tapi kini dipakainya untuk membayar biaya tinggal di rumah jompo tersebut. Sejak itu sampai dia meninggal, hanya ada orang-orang tua dan suster yang merawatnya.
Dia kini merasa sangat kesepian, perasaan yang tidak pernah dia rasakan sebelumnya. Saat dia mau meninggal, dia memanggil seorang suster dan berkata kepadanya,
"Ah, andai saja aku menyadari ini dari dulu...."
Kemudian perlahan ia menghembuskan napas terakhir, Dia meninggal dunia dengan airmata dipipinya.
Dia terus bermain, mengganggu adik dan kakaknya, membuat masalah bagi Orang lain adalah kesukaannya.
Ketika ia menyadari kesalahannya dan mau minta maaf, dia selalu berkata,
"Tidak apa-apa, besok kan bisa."
click read more to continue the story!!
Ketika agak besar, sekolah sangat menyenangkan baginya. Dia belajar, mendapat teman, dan sangat bahagia. Tetapi, dia anggap itu wajar-wajar aja. Semua begitu saja dijalaninya sehingga dia anggap semua sudah sewajarnya.
Suatu hari, dia berkelahi dengan teman baiknya. Walaupun dia tahu itu salah, tapi tidak pernah mengambil inisiatif untuk minta maaf dan berbaikan dengan teman baiknya. Alasannya, "Tidak apa-apa, besok kan bisa."
Ketika dia agak besar, teman baiknya tadi bukanlah temannya lagi. Walaupun
dia masih sering melihat temannya itu, tapi mereka tidak pernah saling tegur. Tapi itu bukanlah masalah, karena dia masih punya banyak teman baik yang lain. Dia dan teman-temannya melakukan segala sesuatu bersama-sama, main, kerjakan PR, dan jalan-jalan. Ya, mereka semua teman-temannya yang paling baik.
Setelah lulus, kerja membuatnya sibuk. Dia ketemu seorang cewek yang sangat cantik dan baik. Cewek ini kemudian menjadi pacarnya. Dia begitu sibuk dengan kerjanya,karena dia ingin dipromosikan ke posisi paling tinggi dalam waktu yang sesingkat mungkin.
Tentu, dia rindu untuk bertemu teman-temannya. Tapi dia tidak pernah lagi menghubungi mereka, bahkan lewat telepon. Dia selalu berkata, "Ah, aku capek, besok saja aku hubungin mereka." Ini tidak terlalu mengganggu dia karena dia punya teman-teman sekerja selalu mau diajak keluar.
Jadi, waktu pun berlalu, dia lupa sama sekali untuk menelepon teman-temannya.
Setelah dia menikah dan punya anak, dia bekerja lebih keras agar dalam membahagiakan keluarganya. Dia tidak pernah lagi membeli bunga untuk istrinya, atau pun mengingat hari ulang tahun istrinya dan juga hari pernikahan mereka. Itu tidak masalah baginya, karena istrinya selalu mengerti dia, dan tidak pernah menyalahkannya.
Tentu, kadang-kadang dia merasa bersalah dan sangat ingin punya kesempatan tapi dia tidak pernah melakukannya. Alasannya, "Tidak apa-apa, saya pasti besok akan mengatakannya." Dia tidak pernah sempat datang ke pesta ulang tahun anak-anaknya, tapi dia tidak tahu ini akan perpengaruh pada anak-anaknya.
Anak-anak mulai menjauhinya, dan tidak pernah benar-benar menghabiskan
waktu mereka dengan ayahnya.
Suatu hari, kemalangan datang ketika istrinya tewas dalam kecelakaan, istrinya ditabrak lari. Ketika kejadian itu terjadi, dia sedang ada rapat. Dia tidak sadar bahwa itu kecelakaan yang fatal, dia baru datang saat istrinya akan dijemput maut. Sebelum sempat berkata "Aku cinta kamu", istrinya telah meninggal dunia.
Laki-laki itu remuk hatinya dan mencoba menghibur diri melalui anak-anaknya setelah kematian istrinya. Tapi, dia baru sadar bahwa anak-anaknya tidak pernah mau berkomunikasi dengannya.
Segera, anak-anaknya dewasa dan membangun keluarganya masing-masing.
Tidak ada yang peduli dengan orang tua ini, yang di masa lalunya tidak pernah meluangkan waktunya untuk mereka.
Saat mulai renta, Dia pindah ke rumah jompo yang terbaik, yang menyediakan
pelayanan sangat baik. Dia menggunakan uang yang semula disimpannya untuk perayaan ulang tahun pernikahan ke 50, 60, dan 70.
Semula uang itu akan dipakainya untuk pergi ke Hawaii, New Zealand, dan negara-negara lain bersama istrinya, tapi kini dipakainya untuk membayar biaya tinggal di rumah jompo tersebut. Sejak itu sampai dia meninggal, hanya ada orang-orang tua dan suster yang merawatnya.
Dia kini merasa sangat kesepian, perasaan yang tidak pernah dia rasakan sebelumnya. Saat dia mau meninggal, dia memanggil seorang suster dan berkata kepadanya,
"Ah, andai saja aku menyadari ini dari dulu...."
Kemudian perlahan ia menghembuskan napas terakhir, Dia meninggal dunia dengan airmata dipipinya.
I cried for my brother six times
I was born in a secluded village of a mountain.
Days by days my parents plowed the yellow dry soil with their backs facing the sky.
click read more!!
I have a younger brother, 3 years younger than me.
Once, to buy a handkerchief which all girls around me seemed to have, I stole 50 cents from my father's drawer.
Father known about it right away.
He made my younger brother and me kneeled against the wall, with a bamboo stick in his hand.
"Who stole the money?" he asked.
I was stunned, too afraid to talk. Father didn't hear any of us admit, so he said, "Fine, if nobody wants to admit, you two should be beaten!"
He lifted up the bamboo stick.
Suddenly, my younger brother gripped father's hand and said," Dad, I was the one who did it!"
The long stick smacked on my brother's back repeatedly.
Father was so angry that he kept on whipped my brother until he lost his breath.
After that, he sat down on our stone bed and scolded my brother, "You have learnt to steal from your own house now, what other embarrassing things you will do in the future?? You should be beaten to death! You shameless thief!"
That night, mother and I hugged my brother. His body full of injuries, but he didn't shed a single tear.
In the middle of the night, all of sudden I cried out loudly.
My brother covered my mouth with his little hand and said, " Sis, now don't cry anymore. Everything has happened."
I still hate myself for didn't have enough courage to admit what I had done.
Years gone by, but the incident still looked like it just happen! ed yesterday.
I will never forget my brother's ___expression when he protected me.
That year, my brother was 8 years old; I was 11 years old.
When my brother was in his last year of his lower secondary school, he was accepted in an upper secondary school in the central. At the same time, I was accepted into a province's university.
That night, father squatted in the yard, smoking, packet by packet.
I could hear him said, "Both our children have good results? very good results?"
Mother wiped off her tears and sighed," What is the use? How can we possibly finance both of them?"
At that time, my brother walked out, he stood in front of father and said,"Dad, I don't want to continue my study anymore, I have read enough books."
Father swung his hand and slapped brother on his face.
"Why do you have a spirit so d**n weak? Even if it means I have to beg for money on the streets, I will send you two to school until you both finish your study!"
And then, he started to knock on every house in the village to borrow money.
I stuck out my hand as soft as I can to my brother's swollen face, and said, "A boy has to continue his study; If not, he will not be able to leave this depths of poverty."
Me, on the other hand, had decided not to further my study to university.
Who knows on the next day, before dawn, my brother left the house with a few pieces of worn-out clothes and a few dry beans. He sneaked to the side of my bed and left a note on my pillow; "Sis, get into an university is not easy. I will go find a job and send money to you."
I held the note while sitting on my bed, and cried until I lost my voice.
That year, my brother was 17 years old; I was 20 years old. With the money father borrowed from the whole village, and money my brother earned from carrying cement on his back at construction site, finally, I managed to get to the third year of my study in the university.
One day, I was studying in my room, when my roommate came in and told me, "There's a villager wait for you outside!"
Why is there a villager looking for me? I walked out, and saw my brother from afar, His whole body is dirty, covered by dust, cement and sands. I asked him, "Why don't you tell my roommate that you are my brother?"
He replied with a smile," Look at my appearance. What will they think if they know that I am your brother? Don't they laugh at you?"
I felt so touched, and tears filled my eyes. I swept away dusts from my brother's body. And said with a lump in my throat, " I don't care of what people say! You are my brother no matter what your appearance is?"
From his pocket, he took out a butterfly hair clip. He wore it on me, and said, "I saw all the girls in town are wearing it. So, I think you should also have one."
I could not hold back myself anymore. I pulled my brother into my arms and cried and cried.
That year, my brother was 20 years old; I was 23 years old.
The first time I brought my boyfriend home, the broken window had been repaired. And it looked so clean inside the house.
After, my boyfriend went home, I danced like a small girl in front of my mother, "Mom, you don't have to spend so many time cleaning the house!" But she said with a smile," It was your brother who went home early to clean the house. Didn't you see the wound on his hand? He was injured while replacing the window." I went into my brother's small bedroom. Looking at his thin face, I felt like there are hundreds of needle pricked in my heart.
I put some ointment on his wound and bandaged it, "Does it hurt? " I asked him.
"No, it doesn't hurt. You know, when I was working in the construction site, stones falling on my feet all the time. Even that could not stop me from working and?"
In the middle of the sentence, he stopped. I turned my back on him and tears rolling down my face.
That year, my brother was 23 years old; I was 26 years old.
After I got married, I lived in the city. Lots of time my husband invited my parents to come and live with us, but they didn't want.
They said, once they left the village, they didn't know what to do.
My brother also didn't agree, he said, "Sis, you just taking care of your parents-in-law. I will take care of mom and dad here."
My husband became the director of his factory. We wanted my brother to get the job as the manager in the department of maintenance. But my brother rejected the offer. He insisted on starting to work as a reparation worker.
One day, my brother was on the top of a ladder repairing a cable, when he got electrocuted, and was sent to the hospital.
My husband and I visited him. Looked at the white gypsum on his leg, I grumbled, "Why did you reject to be a manager? Manager will not do something dangerous like this. Look at you now, such a serious injury. Why you didn't want to listen to us?"
With a serious ___expression on his face, he defended on his decision, "Think of brother-in-law? he just became the director, and I almost uneducated. If I became the manager, what kind of rumors will fly around?"
My husband's eyes filled up with tears, and then I said, "But you lack in education also because of me!" "Why talking about the past?" My brother held my hand.
That year, he was 26 years old and I was 29 years old.
My brother was 30 years old when he married a farmer girl from the village. In his wedding reception, the master of ceremonies asked him, "Who is the one you respect and love the most?"
Without thinking, he answered," My sister." He continued by telling a story I could not even remember.
"When I was in primary school, the school was in different village. Everyday, my sister and I walked for 2 hours to go school and go home. One day, I lost one of my pair of gloves. My sister gave me one of hers. She only wore one glove and walked for so far. When we got home, her hand was so trembled because of the weather that was so cold that she could not even hold her chopsticks. From that day on, I swore that as long as I live, I would take care of my sister and be good to her."
Applause filled up the room. All guests turned their attentions to me.
Words were so hard to come out from my mouth, "In my whole life, the one I would like to thank the most is my brother," And in this happy occasion, in front of the crowd, tears rolling down my face again.
Love and care for the one you love every single days of your life. You may think what you did is just a small deed, but to that someone, it may mean a lot.
Days by days my parents plowed the yellow dry soil with their backs facing the sky.
click read more!!
I have a younger brother, 3 years younger than me.
Once, to buy a handkerchief which all girls around me seemed to have, I stole 50 cents from my father's drawer.
Father known about it right away.
He made my younger brother and me kneeled against the wall, with a bamboo stick in his hand.
"Who stole the money?" he asked.
I was stunned, too afraid to talk. Father didn't hear any of us admit, so he said, "Fine, if nobody wants to admit, you two should be beaten!"
He lifted up the bamboo stick.
Suddenly, my younger brother gripped father's hand and said," Dad, I was the one who did it!"
The long stick smacked on my brother's back repeatedly.
Father was so angry that he kept on whipped my brother until he lost his breath.
After that, he sat down on our stone bed and scolded my brother, "You have learnt to steal from your own house now, what other embarrassing things you will do in the future?? You should be beaten to death! You shameless thief!"
That night, mother and I hugged my brother. His body full of injuries, but he didn't shed a single tear.
In the middle of the night, all of sudden I cried out loudly.
My brother covered my mouth with his little hand and said, " Sis, now don't cry anymore. Everything has happened."
I still hate myself for didn't have enough courage to admit what I had done.
Years gone by, but the incident still looked like it just happen! ed yesterday.
I will never forget my brother's ___expression when he protected me.
That year, my brother was 8 years old; I was 11 years old.
When my brother was in his last year of his lower secondary school, he was accepted in an upper secondary school in the central. At the same time, I was accepted into a province's university.
That night, father squatted in the yard, smoking, packet by packet.
I could hear him said, "Both our children have good results? very good results?"
Mother wiped off her tears and sighed," What is the use? How can we possibly finance both of them?"
At that time, my brother walked out, he stood in front of father and said,"Dad, I don't want to continue my study anymore, I have read enough books."
Father swung his hand and slapped brother on his face.
"Why do you have a spirit so d**n weak? Even if it means I have to beg for money on the streets, I will send you two to school until you both finish your study!"
And then, he started to knock on every house in the village to borrow money.
I stuck out my hand as soft as I can to my brother's swollen face, and said, "A boy has to continue his study; If not, he will not be able to leave this depths of poverty."
Me, on the other hand, had decided not to further my study to university.
Who knows on the next day, before dawn, my brother left the house with a few pieces of worn-out clothes and a few dry beans. He sneaked to the side of my bed and left a note on my pillow; "Sis, get into an university is not easy. I will go find a job and send money to you."
I held the note while sitting on my bed, and cried until I lost my voice.
That year, my brother was 17 years old; I was 20 years old. With the money father borrowed from the whole village, and money my brother earned from carrying cement on his back at construction site, finally, I managed to get to the third year of my study in the university.
One day, I was studying in my room, when my roommate came in and told me, "There's a villager wait for you outside!"
Why is there a villager looking for me? I walked out, and saw my brother from afar, His whole body is dirty, covered by dust, cement and sands. I asked him, "Why don't you tell my roommate that you are my brother?"
He replied with a smile," Look at my appearance. What will they think if they know that I am your brother? Don't they laugh at you?"
I felt so touched, and tears filled my eyes. I swept away dusts from my brother's body. And said with a lump in my throat, " I don't care of what people say! You are my brother no matter what your appearance is?"
From his pocket, he took out a butterfly hair clip. He wore it on me, and said, "I saw all the girls in town are wearing it. So, I think you should also have one."
I could not hold back myself anymore. I pulled my brother into my arms and cried and cried.
That year, my brother was 20 years old; I was 23 years old.
The first time I brought my boyfriend home, the broken window had been repaired. And it looked so clean inside the house.
After, my boyfriend went home, I danced like a small girl in front of my mother, "Mom, you don't have to spend so many time cleaning the house!" But she said with a smile," It was your brother who went home early to clean the house. Didn't you see the wound on his hand? He was injured while replacing the window." I went into my brother's small bedroom. Looking at his thin face, I felt like there are hundreds of needle pricked in my heart.
I put some ointment on his wound and bandaged it, "Does it hurt? " I asked him.
"No, it doesn't hurt. You know, when I was working in the construction site, stones falling on my feet all the time. Even that could not stop me from working and?"
In the middle of the sentence, he stopped. I turned my back on him and tears rolling down my face.
That year, my brother was 23 years old; I was 26 years old.
After I got married, I lived in the city. Lots of time my husband invited my parents to come and live with us, but they didn't want.
They said, once they left the village, they didn't know what to do.
My brother also didn't agree, he said, "Sis, you just taking care of your parents-in-law. I will take care of mom and dad here."
My husband became the director of his factory. We wanted my brother to get the job as the manager in the department of maintenance. But my brother rejected the offer. He insisted on starting to work as a reparation worker.
One day, my brother was on the top of a ladder repairing a cable, when he got electrocuted, and was sent to the hospital.
My husband and I visited him. Looked at the white gypsum on his leg, I grumbled, "Why did you reject to be a manager? Manager will not do something dangerous like this. Look at you now, such a serious injury. Why you didn't want to listen to us?"
With a serious ___expression on his face, he defended on his decision, "Think of brother-in-law? he just became the director, and I almost uneducated. If I became the manager, what kind of rumors will fly around?"
My husband's eyes filled up with tears, and then I said, "But you lack in education also because of me!" "Why talking about the past?" My brother held my hand.
That year, he was 26 years old and I was 29 years old.
My brother was 30 years old when he married a farmer girl from the village. In his wedding reception, the master of ceremonies asked him, "Who is the one you respect and love the most?"
Without thinking, he answered," My sister." He continued by telling a story I could not even remember.
"When I was in primary school, the school was in different village. Everyday, my sister and I walked for 2 hours to go school and go home. One day, I lost one of my pair of gloves. My sister gave me one of hers. She only wore one glove and walked for so far. When we got home, her hand was so trembled because of the weather that was so cold that she could not even hold her chopsticks. From that day on, I swore that as long as I live, I would take care of my sister and be good to her."
Applause filled up the room. All guests turned their attentions to me.
Words were so hard to come out from my mouth, "In my whole life, the one I would like to thank the most is my brother," And in this happy occasion, in front of the crowd, tears rolling down my face again.
Love and care for the one you love every single days of your life. You may think what you did is just a small deed, but to that someone, it may mean a lot.
Cara Pria Mengungkapkan rasa
Berbagi adalah cara kita mengurangi beban perasaan.
But please, jangan buru-buru mencapnya tidak bisa berempati bila reaksi si dia tidak sesuai harapan.
Fakta2 di bawah ini akan membantu Anda2 para wanita untuk memahami isi hati pasangan anda.
click read more!!
Memang susah meminta lelaki bicara. Ia sebenarnya berbicara seperti Anda, namun sayang lawan bicaranya bukan Anda, melainkan dirinya sendiri. Gaya bicara perempuan dan lelaki memang beda. Perempuan bicara di luar kepala, artinya orang lain bisa mendengar. Sementara lelaki berbicara di dalam kepalanya, artinya tidak ada yang tahu ataupun mengerti selain dirinya sendiri. Pantas...
Lelaki tak memiliki wilayah otak yang kuat untuk berbicara. Itu sebabnya, ketika sedang merasa tertekan, mereka lebih memilih bungkam dan berhenti bicara. Ia akan menggunakan otak kanannya untuk mencari solusi dan mengunci otak kirinya yang berfungsi mendengar atau berbicara di saat yang bersamaan.
Lelaki yang merasa tertekan biasanya akan mengundang atau mengajak lelaki lain untuk melakukan sesuatu seperti bermain golf, games, atau mengutak-atik mobil. Sambil menikmati permainan, mereka menguras otak kanannya untuk memecahkan masalah. Kok? Bagi mereka dengan merangsang wilayah kecakapan spesialnya (kemampuan menggambarkan bentuk, koordinat, proporsi dan geografis objek dalam pikiran) akan mempercepat penyelesaian masalah.
Sejak kecil, mereka dididik untuk menyembunyikan kelemahannya. Tegar dan memiliki kemampuan mengontrol emosi, itulah bayangan mereka tentang lelaki sejati. Tidak mengherankan apabila pada akhirnya mereka kurang memiliki toleransi terhadap keluhan, apalagi rengekan. Jika pasangannya mengeluh, ia merasa harus membantu. Jika frekuensi keluhan pasangannya sangat tinggi, maka ia akan merasa gagal membahagiakan pasangannya. Akibatnya, dia akan menarik diri dari kehidupan Anda.
Hati boleh teriris-iris, tapi menangis di depan Anda? No way! Sejak kecil lingkungan sudah melarang mereka untuk menangis. Memori ini membekas di kepala hingga dewasa. Lelaki akan benar-benar menangis hanya ketika mereka membuka segmen emosi yang ada di dalam otak. Sayangnya segmen tersebut jarang dibuka dan mereka lupa kuncinya. Akibatnya, mereka nyaris tak pernah meneteskan air mata di depan publik. Mungkin hanya laki-laki dalam sinetron saja yang royal air mata.
Anda mungkin selalu bertanya-tanya, mengapa laki-laki selalu ingin tampil gagah? Mengapa ia tidak bisa sedikit saja menunjukkan pada Anda bagaimana perasaannya. Sekali lagi, itulah pria. Ketika marah atau bingung, ia lebih memilih untuk menahannya sendiri dan mengasingkan diri.
Pria akrab dengan emosi yang ditekan, kemarahan yang tidak terpecahkan, dan ketidak mampuan menyatakan perasaannya. Anak lelaki melihat karakteristik lelaki sejati dengan keberhasilan materi, ketenangan, kekuatan fisik dan psikologi. Lelaki jantan dalam pandangan mereka adalah pakar dalam mengendalikan diri.
Jika perempuan dapat dengan mudah curhat kepada teman perempuannya, lelaki merasa gengsi untuk bercerita tentang masalah pribadi dengan teman sesamanya. Memang kedengarannya aneh, tapi mereka menganggap teman sejenisnya sebagai saingan dan ia merasa tak nyaman menceritakan kelemahannya. Kalaupun ia akan menceritakan, ia akan lari ke teman perempuan. Jika di dunia ini sudah tak ada lagi perempuan, barulah mereka akan bicara pada teman lelakinya.
Ketika Anda melihat wajah kekasih Anda kecewa, sedih atau bete, tentu Anda ingin segera membantunya. Tapi, jangan coba-coba melakukan ini jika ia tidak minta bantuan. Niat baik perempuan untuk membantu lelaki yang sedang bermasalah tidak selalu positif. Karena umunya bantuan perempuan akan membuat dia merasa tertekan. Ia akan merasa kemampuannya dipertanyakan.
Anda mungkin seringkali bertengkar dengan pasangan. Terkadang bukan pertengkarannya yang bikin dongkol, tapi babak setelah pertengkaran itu terjadi. Gimana nggak sebel, Anda masih sakit hati, eh dia bersikap seolah tidak perduli. Mereka bukannya sok tidak peduli, tapi mereka tidak sadar bahwa perasaan Anda terluka, atau menganggap persoalan telah selesai.
Lelaki memang sulit memahami sakit hati Anda karena perasaannya tidak terlalu peka. Ia menganggap kata-kata yang dilontarkannya saat bertengkar tidak menyinggung perasaan Anda sama sekali.
But please, jangan buru-buru mencapnya tidak bisa berempati bila reaksi si dia tidak sesuai harapan.
Fakta2 di bawah ini akan membantu Anda2 para wanita untuk memahami isi hati pasangan anda.
click read more!!
Memang susah meminta lelaki bicara. Ia sebenarnya berbicara seperti Anda, namun sayang lawan bicaranya bukan Anda, melainkan dirinya sendiri. Gaya bicara perempuan dan lelaki memang beda. Perempuan bicara di luar kepala, artinya orang lain bisa mendengar. Sementara lelaki berbicara di dalam kepalanya, artinya tidak ada yang tahu ataupun mengerti selain dirinya sendiri. Pantas...
Lelaki tak memiliki wilayah otak yang kuat untuk berbicara. Itu sebabnya, ketika sedang merasa tertekan, mereka lebih memilih bungkam dan berhenti bicara. Ia akan menggunakan otak kanannya untuk mencari solusi dan mengunci otak kirinya yang berfungsi mendengar atau berbicara di saat yang bersamaan.
Lelaki yang merasa tertekan biasanya akan mengundang atau mengajak lelaki lain untuk melakukan sesuatu seperti bermain golf, games, atau mengutak-atik mobil. Sambil menikmati permainan, mereka menguras otak kanannya untuk memecahkan masalah. Kok? Bagi mereka dengan merangsang wilayah kecakapan spesialnya (kemampuan menggambarkan bentuk, koordinat, proporsi dan geografis objek dalam pikiran) akan mempercepat penyelesaian masalah.
Sejak kecil, mereka dididik untuk menyembunyikan kelemahannya. Tegar dan memiliki kemampuan mengontrol emosi, itulah bayangan mereka tentang lelaki sejati. Tidak mengherankan apabila pada akhirnya mereka kurang memiliki toleransi terhadap keluhan, apalagi rengekan. Jika pasangannya mengeluh, ia merasa harus membantu. Jika frekuensi keluhan pasangannya sangat tinggi, maka ia akan merasa gagal membahagiakan pasangannya. Akibatnya, dia akan menarik diri dari kehidupan Anda.
Hati boleh teriris-iris, tapi menangis di depan Anda? No way! Sejak kecil lingkungan sudah melarang mereka untuk menangis. Memori ini membekas di kepala hingga dewasa. Lelaki akan benar-benar menangis hanya ketika mereka membuka segmen emosi yang ada di dalam otak. Sayangnya segmen tersebut jarang dibuka dan mereka lupa kuncinya. Akibatnya, mereka nyaris tak pernah meneteskan air mata di depan publik. Mungkin hanya laki-laki dalam sinetron saja yang royal air mata.
Anda mungkin selalu bertanya-tanya, mengapa laki-laki selalu ingin tampil gagah? Mengapa ia tidak bisa sedikit saja menunjukkan pada Anda bagaimana perasaannya. Sekali lagi, itulah pria. Ketika marah atau bingung, ia lebih memilih untuk menahannya sendiri dan mengasingkan diri.
Pria akrab dengan emosi yang ditekan, kemarahan yang tidak terpecahkan, dan ketidak mampuan menyatakan perasaannya. Anak lelaki melihat karakteristik lelaki sejati dengan keberhasilan materi, ketenangan, kekuatan fisik dan psikologi. Lelaki jantan dalam pandangan mereka adalah pakar dalam mengendalikan diri.
Jika perempuan dapat dengan mudah curhat kepada teman perempuannya, lelaki merasa gengsi untuk bercerita tentang masalah pribadi dengan teman sesamanya. Memang kedengarannya aneh, tapi mereka menganggap teman sejenisnya sebagai saingan dan ia merasa tak nyaman menceritakan kelemahannya. Kalaupun ia akan menceritakan, ia akan lari ke teman perempuan. Jika di dunia ini sudah tak ada lagi perempuan, barulah mereka akan bicara pada teman lelakinya.
Ketika Anda melihat wajah kekasih Anda kecewa, sedih atau bete, tentu Anda ingin segera membantunya. Tapi, jangan coba-coba melakukan ini jika ia tidak minta bantuan. Niat baik perempuan untuk membantu lelaki yang sedang bermasalah tidak selalu positif. Karena umunya bantuan perempuan akan membuat dia merasa tertekan. Ia akan merasa kemampuannya dipertanyakan.
Anda mungkin seringkali bertengkar dengan pasangan. Terkadang bukan pertengkarannya yang bikin dongkol, tapi babak setelah pertengkaran itu terjadi. Gimana nggak sebel, Anda masih sakit hati, eh dia bersikap seolah tidak perduli. Mereka bukannya sok tidak peduli, tapi mereka tidak sadar bahwa perasaan Anda terluka, atau menganggap persoalan telah selesai.
Lelaki memang sulit memahami sakit hati Anda karena perasaannya tidak terlalu peka. Ia menganggap kata-kata yang dilontarkannya saat bertengkar tidak menyinggung perasaan Anda sama sekali.
Kiss means....
+Kiss on the stomach = Im ready
+Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're
together forever"
+Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
Click read more for more!!!
+Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
+Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
+Kiss on the Neck = "we belong
+Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
+Kiss on the Lips = I love you"
What the gesture means...
+Holding Hands = "we definitely love
each other"
+Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
+Holding on tight = "i don't want to
let go"
+Looking into each other's Eyes = "i
just plain love you"
+Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love
+Arms around the Waist = "I love you
too much to let go"
+Laughing while Kissing = "I am
completely comfortable with you"
+ Dont ask for a kiss, take one
+If you were thinking about someone
while reading this,
you're definitely in Love.
+Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're
together forever"
+Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
Click read more for more!!!
+Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
+Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
+Kiss on the Neck = "we belong
+Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
+Kiss on the Lips = I love you"
What the gesture means...
+Holding Hands = "we definitely love
each other"
+Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
+Holding on tight = "i don't want to
let go"
+Looking into each other's Eyes = "i
just plain love you"
+Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love
+Arms around the Waist = "I love you
too much to let go"
+Laughing while Kissing = "I am
completely comfortable with you"
+ Dont ask for a kiss, take one
+If you were thinking about someone
while reading this,
you're definitely in Love.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Today!! 2007,11th of July at 21 &XXI HarryPotter and the order of the Phoenix
Harry returns for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts and discovers that much of the wizarding community has been denied the truth about the teenager’s recent encounter with the evil Lord Voldermort
Fearing that Hogwart’s venerable Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, is lying about Voldemort’s return in order to undermine his power, the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, appoints a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to keep watch over Dumbledore and the Hogwart’s students
But Professor Dolores Umbridge’s Ministry – Approved course of defensive magic leaves the young wizards woefully unprepared to defend themselves against the dark forces threatening them and the entire wizarding community, so at the prompting of his friends Hermione and Ron, Harry takes matters into his own hands. Meeting secretly with a small group of students who name themselves “Dumbledore’s Army”, Harry teaches them how to defend themselves against the Dark Arts, preparing the courageous young wizards for the extraordinary battle that lies ahead
Fearing that Hogwart’s venerable Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, is lying about Voldemort’s return in order to undermine his power, the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, appoints a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to keep watch over Dumbledore and the Hogwart’s students
But Professor Dolores Umbridge’s Ministry – Approved course of defensive magic leaves the young wizards woefully unprepared to defend themselves against the dark forces threatening them and the entire wizarding community, so at the prompting of his friends Hermione and Ron, Harry takes matters into his own hands. Meeting secretly with a small group of students who name themselves “Dumbledore’s Army”, Harry teaches them how to defend themselves against the Dark Arts, preparing the courageous young wizards for the extraordinary battle that lies ahead
Monday, July 9, 2007
Review Harry Potter 5 The Movie : The Order of Phoenix

With searchlights blazing hundreds of metres into the night sky, neon blistering everywhere and a battery of digital cameras capturing every second, the most ultra-modern city on earth seems a million miles from the forbidding stone walls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
But it was here last night in Tokyo that the world was led back – with a good dose of Hollywood razzmatazz – into the realm of magic and given its first glimpse of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: the film that sees the boy wizard growing up to face the dreadful truth of his destiny.
For it is in this latest – fifth – cinematic outing of J.K. Rowling’s saga that Harry painfully begins to understand the battles with evil that lie ahead. It is a film where the balance of narrative tips from action to intrigue and there are some that will find that tedious.
But why, with a cast full to the brim with British talent, a British author and Hollywood’s own brand of special effects magic, should the film have had its world premiere in the Japanese capital? The answer may lie with the movie’s producer, Warner Bros, and the grim commercial dynamics of the notorious “Narita Index” – the number of screaming fans who greet a given Hollywood star at Tokyo airport. When he last landed for a Japanese premiere five years ago, Daniel Radcliffe was greeted by a hysterical brigade of 2,300 fans. Wednesday’s arrival by the teenage actor – admittedly quite early in the morning – drew an emaciated platoon of only 30 autograph-seekers.
And it is this that most worries Warner Bros, Disney and the other tinseltown studios. Last year’s Japanese box office (the second-biggest in the world for Hollywood) saw domestic films narrowly out-gross Hollywood for the first time since 1985. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was the sole offering that prevented a total washout for Hollywood in 2006.
Collectively, Hollywood has decided that it may be time to treat its Japanese audiences with a little more respect. Hence, the latest Harry Potter film was the third Hollywood world premiere (after Spider-Man 3 and Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man’s Chest) to be held in Tokyo in three months. Yesterday, with a lacklustre al fresco cavalcade of special effects and just a single beaming starlet, you could see that some effort was being made. For their part, a relatively sparse throng of Japan’s die-hard muggles pretended to take the tinseltown bait. The film itself is a solid, occasionally spectacular set-piece that struggles unsuccessfully to give us thrills and fun we have not already had in previous instalments.
It is far crueller than its predecessors and begins to introduce properly the idea that we are no longer in an amusing magical playground, but are en route to an epic confrontation with real victims.
The main story at this stage is the quest of Harry and Dumbledore to persuade an increasingly paranoid and uncomfortable wizarding world that its unspeakably vile nemesis, Voldemort (played by Ralph Fiennes), has returned.
The acting skills of Radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione) have improved, but not enough to truly flesh out the characters and provide the narrative depth that this transitional, plot-advancing film needs. They have got “angry” and “determined” down pat at this point, but struggle somewhat on the more nuanced grimaces. Harry’s bellowing cod-psychoanalysis of Voldemort is jarringly awful.
Of the adult actors, Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge – Dumbledore’s usurper at Hogwarts – is exquisitely dislikeable. Helena Bonham Carter as the villainous Bellatrix Lestrange is a shining but underused talent.
The director, David Yates, has inserted some lovely touches, including the Weasley twins’ explosive transfer from the world of academia to the world of retail. But overall there is a shortage of those joyful little glimpses of the wizarding world’s furniture that punctuated and perked up the previous films.
The fifth – and longest – book on which the film is based plays a crucial but faintly turgid role in the saga. Much is explained, much is left hanging and there is nothing like the pace of action that readers had grown accustomed to in earlier episodes (especially The Goblet of Fire). The book pulled this off because it was tantalising in what it didn’t tell us.
The film, meanwhile, a necessary digest of the 800-page book, leaves us faintly annoyed that the true denouement of the cycle is now two movies distant.
The chief problem, though, is not really a fault of the film but the near universal Potter-literacy of its prospective audience. Most Potter fans are now laser-focused on the release of the climactic seventh book in three weeks’ time and its promise to bring together the countless loose ends.
As the waiting for the final book grows unbearable, there are moments when this otherwise enjoyable film, though nicely made and through no fault of its own, feels like a chore to be got through before the main course.
— Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is released in Britain on July 12.
Can't Wait to see it!!!
Some see extra luck in 7/7/2007 marriages
Businesses are reaping the benefits of couples who are betting a trio of sevens on 7/7/2007 will give their marriages some extra luck when they tie the knot July 7 in El Paso and across the country.
Wedding experts say that nationwide about 70,000 couples will tie the knot on July 7, 2007 -- more than triple the number of weddings on a typical weekend.
But superstition isn't the only force driving people to get married on July 7. El Pasoan Katherine Quiñones, who is planning her marriage to M. Joseph Grant III on that date, decided on July 7 because she feels the number "777" has a distinct religious significance.
"It's more religious because I'm Catholic and '777' is God's number," she said. "To us, we thought it would bring health and a long marriage."
Liz Rey, of BRE wedding planners in El Paso, said the perceived good luck that comes with July 7, 2007, will prompt about 1,700 couples to get married in El Paso next weekend, according to her own research. Typically, about 50 couples get married in El Paso on an average
If each of those 1,700 weddings cost $28,000 -- the average expense for a wedding, according to Conde Nast -- local newlyweds could infuse nearly $50 million into the El Paso economy.
David's Bridal, the largest bridal retailer with more than 275 stores nationwide, estimates that 70,000 U.S. weddings are planned for July 7, which collectively will cost about $1.9 billion.
The surge in weddings on July 7 stems from several factors coming together at once, said Cindi Freeburn, vice president of public relations for David's Bridal.
"It's quite a confluence of events that's leading to more people getting married on this day," she said. "It's really neat when you're in this industry because it's just unprecedented."
Because American families are often separated by long distances, couples are accommodating their guests by more frequently planning weddings around holidays, such as the weekend after Independence Day.
Freeburn said July has always been a popular month for weddings.
Add to that what Freeburn called "the triple sevens, which you would consider the jackpot," and the flurry to get married next weekend comes together.
"I guess it's superstition. The three sevens are supposed to be good luck," said Zonia Límon, owner of Floral Expressions.
Límon said she has seen an increase in customers requesting floral arrangements for weddings in advance of July 7. Her own niece is among the brides getting married next weekend.
"It's the one time in the century," Límon said.
"Heck, I'd do it too if I could."
Darren Meritz may be reached at; 546-6127.
Wedding experts say that nationwide about 70,000 couples will tie the knot on July 7, 2007 -- more than triple the number of weddings on a typical weekend.
But superstition isn't the only force driving people to get married on July 7. El Pasoan Katherine Quiñones, who is planning her marriage to M. Joseph Grant III on that date, decided on July 7 because she feels the number "777" has a distinct religious significance.
"It's more religious because I'm Catholic and '777' is God's number," she said. "To us, we thought it would bring health and a long marriage."
Liz Rey, of BRE wedding planners in El Paso, said the perceived good luck that comes with July 7, 2007, will prompt about 1,700 couples to get married in El Paso next weekend, according to her own research. Typically, about 50 couples get married in El Paso on an average
If each of those 1,700 weddings cost $28,000 -- the average expense for a wedding, according to Conde Nast -- local newlyweds could infuse nearly $50 million into the El Paso economy.
David's Bridal, the largest bridal retailer with more than 275 stores nationwide, estimates that 70,000 U.S. weddings are planned for July 7, which collectively will cost about $1.9 billion.
The surge in weddings on July 7 stems from several factors coming together at once, said Cindi Freeburn, vice president of public relations for David's Bridal.
"It's quite a confluence of events that's leading to more people getting married on this day," she said. "It's really neat when you're in this industry because it's just unprecedented."
Because American families are often separated by long distances, couples are accommodating their guests by more frequently planning weddings around holidays, such as the weekend after Independence Day.
Freeburn said July has always been a popular month for weddings.
Add to that what Freeburn called "the triple sevens, which you would consider the jackpot," and the flurry to get married next weekend comes together.
"I guess it's superstition. The three sevens are supposed to be good luck," said Zonia Límon, owner of Floral Expressions.
Límon said she has seen an increase in customers requesting floral arrangements for weddings in advance of July 7. Her own niece is among the brides getting married next weekend.
"It's the one time in the century," Límon said.
"Heck, I'd do it too if I could."
Darren Meritz may be reached at; 546-6127.
Indonesian Idol 2007 (BIG Three)
After Fandy went home, last friday on Indonesian Idol "Tribute to Chrisye" which is actually the big 4, Sarah must go home...
The bottom 2 are Sarah and Wilson, who didn't perform well....
Rini capture the most vote followed by Gaby, this two girl is the best contestant for me and the jury...
Still we waiting for the performance of these BIG THREE This Friday at 8.00 PM WIB only at RCTI, ohh, the theme is "da' chalenge"
The bottom 2 are Sarah and Wilson, who didn't perform well....
Rini capture the most vote followed by Gaby, this two girl is the best contestant for me and the jury...
Still we waiting for the performance of these BIG THREE This Friday at 8.00 PM WIB only at RCTI, ohh, the theme is "da' chalenge"
Friday, July 6, 2007
Indonesian Idol 2007 (Big Four)
Tonight is the big four of the"next"Indonesian Idol...
All of the contestant will sing 2 song which had been sang by [RIP]Chrisye
All I want to see is Rini
Why her? Just Click Read More
Actually it's so "disgusting vote" which Indonesian people can't see the ability and the skill of the contestant. This mean they only vote when the contestant was famous
Rini, I think SHE was the only talented contestant which always praised by the judge and her performance always that Indonesian People have been waiting for. Tonight she will sing one of the legend hits "Seperti yang Kau Minta" which mean, with her ability, she won't enter the bottom 2 like the past week. Everyone Suprised, the judge, the audience and ME too... so tonight lest vote for her. She is our Next Indonesian Idol.....
All of the contestant will sing 2 song which had been sang by [RIP]Chrisye
All I want to see is Rini
Why her? Just Click Read More
Actually it's so "disgusting vote" which Indonesian people can't see the ability and the skill of the contestant. This mean they only vote when the contestant was famous
Rini, I think SHE was the only talented contestant which always praised by the judge and her performance always that Indonesian People have been waiting for. Tonight she will sing one of the legend hits "Seperti yang Kau Minta" which mean, with her ability, she won't enter the bottom 2 like the past week. Everyone Suprised, the judge, the audience and ME too... so tonight lest vote for her. She is our Next Indonesian Idol.....
[RIGHT NOW]Preparing.....
Right Now we are preparing the full new look of this blog, Click "Read More" too see what's new
New look of this blog::
1. New template (by
2. Shoutbox(Rightnow Preparing!!)
3. Adsense Ready ... Dare to see many ads in one page hehe
4. Add a comment >.< w/o moderation(but still use verify code hahaha)
5. New Quality of Post
6. Full English(but some very interesting article still in Indonesia"
Dare to see?? Actualy it's kinda hard things because i'll join the Senior High School at 14th of July... so i hope it'll finish before 2007,14th of July
New look of this blog::
1. New template (by
2. Shoutbox(Rightnow Preparing!!)
3. Adsense Ready ... Dare to see many ads in one page hehe
4. Add a comment >.< w/o moderation(but still use verify code hahaha)
5. New Quality of Post
6. Full English(but some very interesting article still in Indonesia"
Dare to see?? Actualy it's kinda hard things because i'll join the Senior High School at 14th of July... so i hope it'll finish before 2007,14th of July
Thursday, July 5, 2007
2 Cover Version Of Harry Potter 7
These are the two version of Harry Potter 7 and the deathly hallow

The first is the "Adult Cover" It doesnt't mean anything, only a symbol of Slytherin I think...

This One is the "Children Cover" which actually I don't understand the mean of it too
I know people of Indonesia are insanely waiting fot the 7th series of Harry Potter which published on my birthday 21st of July... I hope it is my birthday gift

The first is the "Adult Cover" It doesnt't mean anything, only a symbol of Slytherin I think...

This One is the "Children Cover" which actually I don't understand the mean of it too
I know people of Indonesia are insanely waiting fot the 7th series of Harry Potter which published on my birthday 21st of July... I hope it is my birthday gift
TRANSFORMERS (Movie, 2007)
Transformers is a 2007 live action film based on the Transformers franchise. It stars Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox as teenagers Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes, who become embroiled in the war between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. Sam has the map to the Allspark, which grants the bearer power over mechanical life. The film also stars Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight and John Turturro, as well as Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime and Hugo Weaving as the voice of Megatron. Cullen, who voiced Optimus in the 1980s cartoon, returned by fan demand.
Producers Don Murphy and Tom DeSanto developed the film, and Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman wrote the script, all aiming for a realistic interpretation of the characters. Michael Bay was convinced by executive producer Steven Spielberg to direct the film despite not being a fan of the series, to make his first family film. His direction led to a new intricate design aesthetic for the computer generated Transformers. Armed with an enormous marketing campaign including comics, toys and tie-in deals, Transformers premiered on June 12, 2007 and opened in the United States on July 2, 2007.
The Autobots and Decepticons were embroiled in a war that led to the destruction of their home planet Cybertron. The survivors scattered throughout the universe seeking the Allspark, an immensely powerful life-giving device which was lost to them. Discovering the Allspark is on Earth, the Decepticons have come to Earth, and in Qatar, the Decepticon Blackout attacks a United States military base in an attempt to hack into the military's computer defense network. Scorponok chases a small group of survivors, including Cpt William Lennox and USAF TSgt Epps, who narrowly escape. They call the Pentagon for help, and aircraft fire wounds Scorponok, who burrows in the sand and is not seen again.
In suburban America, high-school student Sam Witwicky tries to sell the exploring equipment of his great-great-grandfather Captain Archibald Witwicky on eBay to raise cash for a new car. Sam is unaware that Archibald Witwicky's glasses contain an etching of the coordinates to the location of the Allspark. The etchings were made when Captain Witwicky accidentally encountered the frozen body of Decepticon leader Megatron buried under the ice in the Arctic Circle. Aware of Sam's ancestry, Autobot Bumblebee has been assigned to guard Sam and poses as a used early model Chevrolet Camaro. Sam's father buys the car, and after helping Sam woo Mikaela Banes, Bumblebee drives away to send out a homing signal to the rest of the Autobots.
As the Pentagon brings together the world's best code breakers, linguists and computer experts attempt to find out who is trying to hack into their network, the small Decepticon Frenzy transforms into a boombox, infiltrates Air Force One and successfully hacks into the defense network. The Decepticons, revealed to be seeking clues to the location of the Allspark, come across documents mentioning Captain Witwicky’s expedition, the location of Megatron, and Sam's eBay auction. As a result, the Decepticons target Sam.
Bumblebee finds himself defending Sam and Mikaela from an attack by the Decepticon Barricade. As the two robots fight each other, Frenzy attacks Sam, only to be decapitated with an electric saw by Mikaela. Still alive, Frenzy disguises his head as Mikaela's mobile phone and slips into her bag. Driving away to meet the rest of the Autobots after the fight, Mikaela criticizes Bumblebee's old Camaro form. Bumblebee proceeds to modify himself into the 2008 preproduction version of the Camaro. The other Autobots arrive on Earth, and after taking the forms of other Earth vehicles, their leader, Optimus Prime, explains to Sam their mission to stop the Decepticons from taking the Allspark. The Autobots want to use the Allspark to return Cybertron to its former glory, while the Decepticons hope to raise an army of robots with its power, and subjugate the inhabitants of Earth. Prime explains how the glasses, which Sam inherited from his great-great-grandfather, are vital to locating the Allspark. They return to Sam's home and Sam passes the glasses on to Prime. However, Sam and Mikaela, along with Bumblebee, are subsequently captured by the top-secret government agency, Sector 7. Optimus Prime is forced to abandon Bumblebee as a casualty of war to avoid harming any humans.
Sam, Mikaela, Secretary of Defense John Keller (Jon Voight), the surviving members of the special ops unit, and two experts who cracked the Decepticons' signal, Glen Whitman and Maggie Madsen, are brought to the Sector 7 headquarters under the Hoover Dam. They learn that Megatron, still frozen and dubbed by Sector 7 as NBE-1 (Non-Biological Extraterrestrial), and the Allspark have been held by the agency for many decades. Frenzy escapes from Mikaela's bag, and uses the power of the Allspark to regenerate his body and notify the Decepticons of its location. Decepticon second-in-command Starscream attacks the Sector 7 headquarters, while Frenzy hacks into the computer system to start the thawing and reactivation of Megatron. Sam convinces Sector 7 to release Bumblebee to save them from the Decepticons, and they leave with the Allspark. En route to an extraction point in a nearby city, the other Autobots join them to provide an escort. In the run, Bonecrusher pursues them and Optimus Prime is temporarily separated from the convoy to deal with the Decepticon. Prime destroys Bonecrusher with his energy axe.
The Decepticons confront the Autobots in Mission City and the ensuing battle results in Sam being responsible for keeping the Allspark out of Decepticon hands. With the help of the military, the Autobots keep the Decepticons at bay. During the final showdown between Megatron and Optimus Prime, the Allspark is destroyed when Sam inserts it into Megatron's chest, overwhelming him with its power and killing Megatron in the process. The Autobots choose to remain on Earth as its guardians. After the destruction of the Allspark, they can no longer recreate their homeworld, and Optimus Prime sends a message calling out for any surviving Autobots scattered across the galaxy to find them. Bumblebee is repaired and decides to stay with Sam. The Navy dumps the bodies of the defeated Decepticons into the Laurentian Abyss but in the final scene of the movie, Starscream is shown to be alive and flying out to space.
Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky: An offbeat seventeen-year old, Sam gets his first car, which turns out to be Bumblebee. Sam unwittingly becomes the center of the Autobot-Decepticon war, and discovers his responsibility as the unlikely savior of humanity.
Megan Fox as Mikaela Banes: Sam's love interest. Her father was a "grease monkey" and she has inherited some of his skills.
Josh Duhamel as Cpt William Lennox: leader of a U.S. Army Special Ops team in Qatar, who manages to escape the destruction caused by Blackout. He has a wife and child back home.
Tyrese Gibson as TSgt Epps: An Air Force Combat Controller who teams up with Lennox to escape Blackout and Scorponok.
John Turturro as Simmons: Head of Sector 7, a secret government group that has been holding and studying the Allspark and the still-frozen Megatron. Simmons is leading a team tracking down Bumblebee.
Jon Voight as John Keller: The United States Secretary of Defense.
Rachael Taylor as Maggie Madsen, an expert in signal detection and decoding assisting the Department of Defense.
Anthony Anderson as Glenn: A computer hacker and friend of Maggie, who assists in deciphering the Cybertronian language.
Bernie Mac as Bobby Bolivia: The car dealer who unknowingly sells the Autobot, Bumblebee (as an early model Camaro), to Sam.
Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime (Peterbilt truck): The powerful, wise leader of the Autobots, Prime comes to protect humanity from the evil Decepticons.
Mark Ryan as the voice of Bumblebee (Second/Fifth generation Chevrolet Camaro): Bumblebee is an honest and friendly soldier who befriends humanity, namely Sam, in his efforts to find the Allspark. He has difficulty speaking after he was attacked by Barricade and communicates using sound bytes from radio broadcasts.
Darius McCrary as the voice of Jazz (Pontiac Solstice): The smallest and feistiest of the Autobots, Jazz is Optimus' second-in-command and one of his best warriors, talented at learning new cultures.
Jess Harnell as the voice of Ironhide (GMC Topkick pick-up truck): A tough, weathered soldier, he is the Autobots' weapons specialist and is always the first in battle. Ironhide is one of Optimus' oldest friends, but has a grittier outlook on life.
Robert Foxworth as the voice of Ratchet (Search & Rescue Hummer H2): The medic and scientist, Ratchet has a strong sense of duty to protect life.
Transformers is a 2007 live action film based on the Transformers franchise. It stars Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox as teenagers Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes, who become embroiled in the war between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. Sam has the map to the Allspark, which grants the bearer power over mechanical life. The film also stars Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight and John Turturro, as well as Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime and Hugo Weaving as the voice of Megatron. Cullen, who voiced Optimus in the 1980s cartoon, returned by fan demand.
Producers Don Murphy and Tom DeSanto developed the film, and Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman wrote the script, all aiming for a realistic interpretation of the characters. Michael Bay was convinced by executive producer Steven Spielberg to direct the film despite not being a fan of the series, to make his first family film. His direction led to a new intricate design aesthetic for the computer generated Transformers. Armed with an enormous marketing campaign including comics, toys and tie-in deals, Transformers premiered on June 12, 2007 and opened in the United States on July 2, 2007.
The Autobots and Decepticons were embroiled in a war that led to the destruction of their home planet Cybertron. The survivors scattered throughout the universe seeking the Allspark, an immensely powerful life-giving device which was lost to them. Discovering the Allspark is on Earth, the Decepticons have come to Earth, and in Qatar, the Decepticon Blackout attacks a United States military base in an attempt to hack into the military's computer defense network. Scorponok chases a small group of survivors, including Cpt William Lennox and USAF TSgt Epps, who narrowly escape. They call the Pentagon for help, and aircraft fire wounds Scorponok, who burrows in the sand and is not seen again.
In suburban America, high-school student Sam Witwicky tries to sell the exploring equipment of his great-great-grandfather Captain Archibald Witwicky on eBay to raise cash for a new car. Sam is unaware that Archibald Witwicky's glasses contain an etching of the coordinates to the location of the Allspark. The etchings were made when Captain Witwicky accidentally encountered the frozen body of Decepticon leader Megatron buried under the ice in the Arctic Circle. Aware of Sam's ancestry, Autobot Bumblebee has been assigned to guard Sam and poses as a used early model Chevrolet Camaro. Sam's father buys the car, and after helping Sam woo Mikaela Banes, Bumblebee drives away to send out a homing signal to the rest of the Autobots.
As the Pentagon brings together the world's best code breakers, linguists and computer experts attempt to find out who is trying to hack into their network, the small Decepticon Frenzy transforms into a boombox, infiltrates Air Force One and successfully hacks into the defense network. The Decepticons, revealed to be seeking clues to the location of the Allspark, come across documents mentioning Captain Witwicky’s expedition, the location of Megatron, and Sam's eBay auction. As a result, the Decepticons target Sam.
Bumblebee finds himself defending Sam and Mikaela from an attack by the Decepticon Barricade. As the two robots fight each other, Frenzy attacks Sam, only to be decapitated with an electric saw by Mikaela. Still alive, Frenzy disguises his head as Mikaela's mobile phone and slips into her bag. Driving away to meet the rest of the Autobots after the fight, Mikaela criticizes Bumblebee's old Camaro form. Bumblebee proceeds to modify himself into the 2008 preproduction version of the Camaro. The other Autobots arrive on Earth, and after taking the forms of other Earth vehicles, their leader, Optimus Prime, explains to Sam their mission to stop the Decepticons from taking the Allspark. The Autobots want to use the Allspark to return Cybertron to its former glory, while the Decepticons hope to raise an army of robots with its power, and subjugate the inhabitants of Earth. Prime explains how the glasses, which Sam inherited from his great-great-grandfather, are vital to locating the Allspark. They return to Sam's home and Sam passes the glasses on to Prime. However, Sam and Mikaela, along with Bumblebee, are subsequently captured by the top-secret government agency, Sector 7. Optimus Prime is forced to abandon Bumblebee as a casualty of war to avoid harming any humans.
Sam, Mikaela, Secretary of Defense John Keller (Jon Voight), the surviving members of the special ops unit, and two experts who cracked the Decepticons' signal, Glen Whitman and Maggie Madsen, are brought to the Sector 7 headquarters under the Hoover Dam. They learn that Megatron, still frozen and dubbed by Sector 7 as NBE-1 (Non-Biological Extraterrestrial), and the Allspark have been held by the agency for many decades. Frenzy escapes from Mikaela's bag, and uses the power of the Allspark to regenerate his body and notify the Decepticons of its location. Decepticon second-in-command Starscream attacks the Sector 7 headquarters, while Frenzy hacks into the computer system to start the thawing and reactivation of Megatron. Sam convinces Sector 7 to release Bumblebee to save them from the Decepticons, and they leave with the Allspark. En route to an extraction point in a nearby city, the other Autobots join them to provide an escort. In the run, Bonecrusher pursues them and Optimus Prime is temporarily separated from the convoy to deal with the Decepticon. Prime destroys Bonecrusher with his energy axe.
The Decepticons confront the Autobots in Mission City and the ensuing battle results in Sam being responsible for keeping the Allspark out of Decepticon hands. With the help of the military, the Autobots keep the Decepticons at bay. During the final showdown between Megatron and Optimus Prime, the Allspark is destroyed when Sam inserts it into Megatron's chest, overwhelming him with its power and killing Megatron in the process. The Autobots choose to remain on Earth as its guardians. After the destruction of the Allspark, they can no longer recreate their homeworld, and Optimus Prime sends a message calling out for any surviving Autobots scattered across the galaxy to find them. Bumblebee is repaired and decides to stay with Sam. The Navy dumps the bodies of the defeated Decepticons into the Laurentian Abyss but in the final scene of the movie, Starscream is shown to be alive and flying out to space.
Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky: An offbeat seventeen-year old, Sam gets his first car, which turns out to be Bumblebee. Sam unwittingly becomes the center of the Autobot-Decepticon war, and discovers his responsibility as the unlikely savior of humanity.
Megan Fox as Mikaela Banes: Sam's love interest. Her father was a "grease monkey" and she has inherited some of his skills.
Josh Duhamel as Cpt William Lennox: leader of a U.S. Army Special Ops team in Qatar, who manages to escape the destruction caused by Blackout. He has a wife and child back home.
Tyrese Gibson as TSgt Epps: An Air Force Combat Controller who teams up with Lennox to escape Blackout and Scorponok.
John Turturro as Simmons: Head of Sector 7, a secret government group that has been holding and studying the Allspark and the still-frozen Megatron. Simmons is leading a team tracking down Bumblebee.
Jon Voight as John Keller: The United States Secretary of Defense.
Rachael Taylor as Maggie Madsen, an expert in signal detection and decoding assisting the Department of Defense.
Anthony Anderson as Glenn: A computer hacker and friend of Maggie, who assists in deciphering the Cybertronian language.
Bernie Mac as Bobby Bolivia: The car dealer who unknowingly sells the Autobot, Bumblebee (as an early model Camaro), to Sam.
Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime (Peterbilt truck): The powerful, wise leader of the Autobots, Prime comes to protect humanity from the evil Decepticons.
Mark Ryan as the voice of Bumblebee (Second/Fifth generation Chevrolet Camaro): Bumblebee is an honest and friendly soldier who befriends humanity, namely Sam, in his efforts to find the Allspark. He has difficulty speaking after he was attacked by Barricade and communicates using sound bytes from radio broadcasts.
Darius McCrary as the voice of Jazz (Pontiac Solstice): The smallest and feistiest of the Autobots, Jazz is Optimus' second-in-command and one of his best warriors, talented at learning new cultures.
Jess Harnell as the voice of Ironhide (GMC Topkick pick-up truck): A tough, weathered soldier, he is the Autobots' weapons specialist and is always the first in battle. Ironhide is one of Optimus' oldest friends, but has a grittier outlook on life.
Robert Foxworth as the voice of Ratchet (Search & Rescue Hummer H2): The medic and scientist, Ratchet has a strong sense of duty to protect life.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
8 Tanda Jodoh Anda
Pertanda 1
Rahasia sepasang kekasih agar bisa memiliki umur hubungan yang panjang adalah adanya saling berbagi. Anda dan dia selalu bisa saling membantu, entah itu pekerjaan sepele atau besar.Paling penting adalah Anda berdua selalu bisa menikmati segala aspek kehidupan secara bersama-sama. Dan semuanya terasa amat menyenangkan meskipun tanpa harus melibatkan orang lain. Nah, apakah Anda sudah merasakan hal tersebut? Jika ya, selamat berarti ada harapan bahwa dia adalah calon pendamping hidup Anda!
Pertanda 2
Salah satu kriteria yang menentukan cocok tidaknya dia itu jodoh Anda atau bukan adalah kemampuannya bersikap santai di depan Anda. Coba sekarang perhatikan, apakah gerak geriknya, caranya berpakaian, gaya rambutnya, caranya berbicara serta tertawanya mengesankan apa adanya? Apakah setiap ucapannya selalu tampak spontan dan tidak dibuat-buat ? Jika tidak, (maaf) kemungkinan besar dia bukan jodoh Anda.
Pertanda 3
Adanya kontak bathin membuat hati Anda berdua bisa selalu saling tahu. Dan bila Anda atau si dia bisa saling membaca pikiran dan menduga reaksi serta perasaanya satu sama lainnya pada situasi tertentu. Selamat! Mungkin sebenarnya dialah belahan jiwa Anda yang tersimpan...
Pertanda 4
Bersamanya bisa membuat perasaan Anda menjadi santai, nyaman tanpa perasaan tertekan. Berjam-jam bersamanya, setiap waktu dan setiap hari tak membuat Anda merasa bosan.. Ini bisa sebagai pertanda bahwa Anda berdua kelak bisa saling terikat.
Pertanda 5
Dia selalu ada untuk Anda dalam situasi apapun. Dan dia selalu bisa memahami cuaca dalam hati Anda baik dalam suka dan duka. Percayalah pasangan yang berjodoh pasti tak takut mengalami pasang surut saat bersama. Sekarang, ingat-ingat kembali. Apakah dia orang pertama yang datang memberi bantuan tatkala Anda dirundung musibah? Dia selalu paham saat PMS Anda datang menyerang? Dia tau keadaan waktu anda sakit..... Jika ya, tak salah lagi. Dialah orangnya...
Pertanda 6
Dia tak terlalu peduli dengan masa lalu keluarga Anda, dia tak peduli dengan masa lalu Anda saat bersama kekasih terdahulu. Dia juga tak malu-malu menceritakan masa lalunya.. Nah, kalau begitu ini bisa berarti dia sudah siap menerima Anda apa adanya..
Pertanda 7
Setiap orang pasti memiliki kekurangan, dan Anda tak malu-malu memperlihatkannya pada si dia. Bahkan pada saat Anda tampil 'buruk' di depannya sekalipun, misalnya saat Anda bangun tidur atau saat Anda sakit dan tak mandi selama dua hari.
Pertanda 8
Bila Anda merasa rahasia Anda bisa lebih aman di tangannya daripada di tangan sahabat-sahabat Anda. Atau Anda merasa sudah tak bisa lagi menyimpan rahasia apapun darinya, maka berbahagialah! Karena ini bisa berarti pasangan sejati telah Anda temukan !
Apakah kedelapan pertanda di atas telah Anda temukan padanya?
Rahasia sepasang kekasih agar bisa memiliki umur hubungan yang panjang adalah adanya saling berbagi. Anda dan dia selalu bisa saling membantu, entah itu pekerjaan sepele atau besar.Paling penting adalah Anda berdua selalu bisa menikmati segala aspek kehidupan secara bersama-sama. Dan semuanya terasa amat menyenangkan meskipun tanpa harus melibatkan orang lain. Nah, apakah Anda sudah merasakan hal tersebut? Jika ya, selamat berarti ada harapan bahwa dia adalah calon pendamping hidup Anda!
Pertanda 2
Salah satu kriteria yang menentukan cocok tidaknya dia itu jodoh Anda atau bukan adalah kemampuannya bersikap santai di depan Anda. Coba sekarang perhatikan, apakah gerak geriknya, caranya berpakaian, gaya rambutnya, caranya berbicara serta tertawanya mengesankan apa adanya? Apakah setiap ucapannya selalu tampak spontan dan tidak dibuat-buat ? Jika tidak, (maaf) kemungkinan besar dia bukan jodoh Anda.
Pertanda 3
Adanya kontak bathin membuat hati Anda berdua bisa selalu saling tahu. Dan bila Anda atau si dia bisa saling membaca pikiran dan menduga reaksi serta perasaanya satu sama lainnya pada situasi tertentu. Selamat! Mungkin sebenarnya dialah belahan jiwa Anda yang tersimpan...
Pertanda 4
Bersamanya bisa membuat perasaan Anda menjadi santai, nyaman tanpa perasaan tertekan. Berjam-jam bersamanya, setiap waktu dan setiap hari tak membuat Anda merasa bosan.. Ini bisa sebagai pertanda bahwa Anda berdua kelak bisa saling terikat.
Pertanda 5
Dia selalu ada untuk Anda dalam situasi apapun. Dan dia selalu bisa memahami cuaca dalam hati Anda baik dalam suka dan duka. Percayalah pasangan yang berjodoh pasti tak takut mengalami pasang surut saat bersama. Sekarang, ingat-ingat kembali. Apakah dia orang pertama yang datang memberi bantuan tatkala Anda dirundung musibah? Dia selalu paham saat PMS Anda datang menyerang? Dia tau keadaan waktu anda sakit..... Jika ya, tak salah lagi. Dialah orangnya...
Pertanda 6
Dia tak terlalu peduli dengan masa lalu keluarga Anda, dia tak peduli dengan masa lalu Anda saat bersama kekasih terdahulu. Dia juga tak malu-malu menceritakan masa lalunya.. Nah, kalau begitu ini bisa berarti dia sudah siap menerima Anda apa adanya..
Pertanda 7
Setiap orang pasti memiliki kekurangan, dan Anda tak malu-malu memperlihatkannya pada si dia. Bahkan pada saat Anda tampil 'buruk' di depannya sekalipun, misalnya saat Anda bangun tidur atau saat Anda sakit dan tak mandi selama dua hari.
Pertanda 8
Bila Anda merasa rahasia Anda bisa lebih aman di tangannya daripada di tangan sahabat-sahabat Anda. Atau Anda merasa sudah tak bisa lagi menyimpan rahasia apapun darinya, maka berbahagialah! Karena ini bisa berarti pasangan sejati telah Anda temukan !
Apakah kedelapan pertanda di atas telah Anda temukan padanya?
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